You’re It | Beauty Blogger Tag

I love love love Dorkchops’ blog, and reading this blog post… I had to do the tag myself. Please go check out her blog here.


If you’re reading this post, then find yourself officially tagged!!

1) Is your hair naturally straight or curly?
Oooh, its sort of a little wavy.

2) Do you dye it yourself or go to the salon?
Dye it myself, if I go to the salon I can guarantee I will be disappointed.

3) Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you switch it up?
I try my hardest to try new styles, it’s difficult with my long hair at the moment because it doesn’t really have any style.

4) Do your own mani/pedi or go to the salon?
I used to go to the salon all the time to get my nails done, but now I am saving to buy a house I am doing it myself! Every penny counts!

5) How often do you change your nail polish?
Every week!

6) Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?
Has to be all year round!!!

7) How long does it take for you to put your makeup on?
For work its about 15-20 minutes, for a night out or something special its about an hour – I swear I really take my time!!!

8) What do you do first face or eyes?
If I am doing a dramatic smoky eye, then the eyes come first – just so that I can easily clean away any fall out. Normally its foundation first.

9) Do you collect makeup or just buy it?
I buy make up, I try to use all the make up I have in my collection. I don’t like to hoard it! 

10) How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Special occasions, they would get on my nerves if I wore them all the time.

11) Do you do full face makeup everyday?
Natural look for work Monday to Friday and then full make up at the weekend (if I am doing something special)

12) Do you wear makeup when you’re home alone or with family?
I tend not to, unless we are going out!

13) Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes I do it a lot surprisingly! I don’t even have flawless skin, it actually is really scarred, but I am confident with it.. no one is perfect.

14) How many high end products do you own?
A fair few, but then I do have a full time job!

15) Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you get ready?
For work I try to plan the night before, but I am not always that organised.

16) How often do you change your handbag?
Not very often tbh, If I like something I will wear the hell out of it!

17) What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
For work I wake up at 6:20am and go to bed around 11:00pm. Weekends, wake up at 8:00am and go to sleep when I am tired.

18) How often or when do you work out?
Not nearly enough, I need to get back into that.

19) Left or right handed?

20) Do you speak any foreign languages?
I would god as far as saying that I speak basic French… Bonjour!

21) How tall are you?

22) How many pets do you have?
3 Dogs! They are my babies… I love them!

23) How often do you blog?
I try to do it everyday, but I am sure there will be a time where I cant!

24) Do you read comments?
I love hearing feedback, it really means a lot.

25) Do you keep a list of products to try that you see in a post?
oh god yes, I have been reading blogs and watching YouTube videos for about 6 years now. Maybe longer.

26) How did you come up with your blog name?
Well, its my first name… quite unadventurous

27) What kind of camera do you use for your photos?
Iphone… I am in the market for a DSLR though… any recommendations??

28) How often do you clean your house?
When I look at the mess and think, this is disgusting haha!

29) What’s your favourite colour?
I like black or charcoal, sleek and sophisticated.

30) Do you swear?
More than I should, especially in my head.

31) What are you doing for the rest of the day?

Bed time soon… work tomorrow!!!

Thank you for reading

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